Information/ Warrantee and Pricing


                                              About our poodles

BLISSFUL TOY POODLES, has come to be, through careful breeding and research, over 11 years now.  Most of the up line to our beauties, pictured here on our website have been trained and shown by my mentor, who has taught me so much.  We do try to learn each and every day, throughout any circumstance we may encounter.  We welcome further knowledge to have available to you, the healthiest and finest poodles.  Yes, many blue ribbon champions, the moms, dads, aunts, uncles, and siblings are directly related to our line here, at Blissful Toy Poodles.  We are careful to add fresh DNA from other proven champion lines, some from across the world.  MOST of out placements are to homes wanting a pet.  We add the best quality of pets, due to the incredible upline.  You will be so proud as you can readily see the walk, the beautiful stance, the way your baby glides as they run.  QUALITY SHOWS!! 

We believe , and have been told that, our pups are the best of the best.  Compare our babies to others, and see what you think.  We all need to make informed decisions.  More research, rather than less, will enable you to make that 15 year, or longer, commitment to your newest family member, the most informed you can.

We, at Blissful Toy Poodles, have produced a variety of beauties, within the toy sized range.  Some families prefer the smallest, around the 4 lb. size, while others prefer the slightly larger of the toys.  Individual needs depend on if you would like a carry around  all the time baby, or a more rough and tumble, better suited for families with small children, or another dog who loves to play.  Keeping this in mind, we have recently intoduced a miniature sized poodle to our line.  These regal beauties stand 12 – 15″ at the shoulder.  Very sturdy and hardy that show their regal quality when you walk them.

As we add more dames and sires to our family of poodles, we will have a greater selection for each person’s wants and needs.

                                                       Required Veterinarian Visit

Before your baby goes home, provide us with the name of the vet you will be using, and an appointment date.  When we transfer your baby to you, at 10 – 12 weeks old, the most current weight will be provide and done by our vet.  Be sure to feed your baby properly!  Stress can make animals, loose weight, bark more. and it may take a few days for that great personality to blossom.  The closer they are to you, the more you will see that silly, loving, smart baby’s spirit.  Pups cannot afford to skip any meal.  Be sure to at least give a small amount of chicken or turkey if pup is finicky at first.

You MUST bring new baby pup to your vet within 48 to 72 hours.  Should there be any congenital condition detected, (testing must be performed by your vet, then submitted to our vet).  The new mom or dad is responsible for cost of these tests.  Please contact BLISSFUL TOY POODLES, immediately.  We will have any pertinent tests done on mom and dad as needed, to determine any possibility of anything that may pass on to babies.  Most of our dogs have already had DNA testing done for heritage already.  ANY DOG FOUND TO HAVE A CONDITION THAT MAY BE PASSED ON TO PUPS – WILL BE RETIRED FROM OUR BREEDING LINE.

Most times, by age 1 year old, any congenital conditions will have shown up, and most breeders, not all, give a one year warrantee.  We go one  better!  We cover until 2 years old.  Keep in mind, each dog, each case is individual.  Even after age 2, should circumstances make it difficult for you to keep the baby in your home, call us, we may be able to help to re home him/her.  Recently, a dog, 6 years old, lost his elderly caretaker.  As soon as we knew, we agreed to take him in, and find him a home.  He is now in a great, caring home, well loved and happy.  Another couple, whose jobs requirement of travel made it difficult to give baby at nearly 2 yrs old, the attention he deserved.  A new home was found for him within  24 hours!  The truth is, that we had four homes offered to him.  What a blessing.  He is in a brand new mommy’s care now.

  We are blessed to have been able to provide many homes with their new family members for several years now.

                                                          Refund / Replacement Policy

Within the warrantee period, any congenital defect involving heart, kidney, lungs, confirmed by our vet: Dr. Jakobowski,  will be covered under our guarantee.  A replacement pup will be provided to you, as one becomes available. 

  Any dog, any size, any breed, may eventually develop a luxating patella.  This is a kneecap that occasionally slips out of the groove it is supposed to be in.  With small breeds, smaller bones, grooves, lots of jumping up and down can contribute.  It is not usually painful to the dog and can be fixed.  This is not covered under the guarantee, since every dog breed deals with this.  Dr. J has cared for our pets for 30 years now.  She is AWESOME.

  DEPOSITS (minimum $300), – We understand that sometimes things happen, situations change.  If your deposit, is PRIOR to the LITTER’S BIRTH, and you change your mind, you may apply this deposit toward another puppy.  If deposit has been placed on a specific baby, we then withheld your little one from anyone else being able to choose him / her, we will retain the deposit.  You may still use the same deposit toward a future puppy though.  Of course, if our vet finds any issue with your baby, we will inform you right away, and you may choose another pup, or a refund.  We always wish for our babies to go to new homes where they are 100 % wanted and accepted as a new family member

In the unlikely event that a congenital condition resulting in the loss of your loved baby, BLISSFUL TOY POODLES will replace your pup, as soon as a mutually acceptable pup is available.  A necropsy must be done, (customer’s responsibility).  Results must be sent from your vet to Dr. J.   Guarantee does not include loss due to any lack of care, hypoglycemia, withholding food, or abuse or neglect.  We ask that in the event the replacement pup cannot be picked up, and must be shipped, the client will pay the cost of the airfare.   We are happy to answer any and all questions for you.

These little ones are like your children, and they love you no matter what.  We would hope each and every pup we place will be loved and cared for as such.  These are little  beings with attachments to the new family and they do indeed have feelings.  Long term commitment is so very important, unless of course, circumstances make it impossible to work out keeping them.  We do understand.

                                        The Poodle Breed

There are actually only three recognized sizes in the poodle breed:  TOY, MINIATURE, and STANDARD.  The classification, teacup, is what a smaller than 4 lbs., and under 8″ tall at the shoulder has been mislabeled.  A ‘teacup’ is actually a very small toy.  Be very sure that your teacup baby is only small in stature due to nature, and not due to restriction of food, or manipulation of the liver enzymes.  In the latter cases, the growth process is dwarfed.   Many overseas pups are mistreated in these ways.   If smaller pups are commonly born to a particular mamma, and you may visit and see her, it is DNA responsible for the tiny ones.  Do as much research as you can.  Questions and a home visit to see their home or kennel should be welcomed by any breeder.

Size and color of any pup can be, at best,  a good educational guess, using   growth charts for size, and research info for color.  These things are totally determined by genetics.  Even two short humans can have a 6 1/2′  tall teen, or visa versa !!!  The charts for puppies  are fairly accurate.  No guarantee can be given of either size or of color, as both change at times in the adult dog.  Hey- even people hair color and body size changes!  The size of the paw is a good indicator.  Tiny feet, usually, tiny adult dog.   Generally, a 12 week old puppy should double in size at full growth.   Although, sone have growth spurts  at different times.

‘Teacup’ and Toy Poodle Safety

Holding Your  Toy Poodle

Teacup/small toy dogs are adorable and will get his/her caregiver lots of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’.   Really small dogs are generally held a lot, as it is not safe to let them down in any crowded area.   They can get their tiny feet stepped on – and they do have tiny feet!!  Holding any dog all the time tends to make them very possessive and guarded.   It is a good idea, in safe areas to be sure to train your little one to learn to be on the ground, either on, or off leash, as you would a larger dog. This will also help them to learn better how to avoid our big, feet, and most of the time, they will get out of the way                                       

    Please keep in mind, with your puppy purchase, comes a two year health warrantee.  against any major organ problem.  For any reason though, you may bring your puppy back, we will work to do our best to find him or her a new home.  We have successfully re homed beautiful ones, when families are experiencing personal issues.  We have a few more resources than they may have available to find a loving home.

——————————- GENERAL PRICE  OF OUR PUPPIES–————————–

WHY ARE PRICES SET AS THEY ARE?  Some people think that a dog may always be able to have babies “on their own” with no problems.  The fact is , that they sometimes cannot.  Often, to insure pregnancy, progesterone tests need to be done several times to tell us optimum ovulation days.  This, of course takes more than one to determine direction levels are heading.  During pregnancy, multiple visits to vet, special food, vitamins, and, of course, extra attention to mamma’s health.

Around the time babies are expected, more progesterone tests, sometimes many.  These tests run about $120 EACH TEST.  The levels have to be lower than a certain number so that, if a c-section is needed, babies are fully developed.  Then there are the sonograms, which indicates a strong healthy baby, with a heartbeat over 200, or, pups in trouble, where heartbeats are 180 or lower.  An emergency section often runs a couple of thousand dollars and higher.

When babies arrive, many need to be hand fed if mom’s milk hasn’t come in.  Feeding babies is exhausting , every 2 hours, day and night – but – worth it, and so rewarding.  We did just have a tiny baby girl that required every 2 hour feeding, and went on for over 5 weeks!  The baby was too tiny to even have a ‘foster’ mom nurse her.  WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON A BABY!  This may help you know the hours and hours we spend, lovingly, to care for our babies, young and more senior. We truly do understand your pain of loss of your 4 legged babies.  

There are many hours of phone time as well as paper work time, and hold time with AKC,!   NOT COMPLAINING TO YOU ALL!!   Only trying to answer the question often asked, and sometimes, I think, not asked when they are surprised at cost.

I LOVE talking to people and even though many of the stories I hear are tragic, I feel that it helps to have an ear willing to listen and understand.  I have experienced much of the pain I hear in the voice and through the tears of some dear people.  God bless them.


If a puppy is on the site unclaimed for a long while, or, if a puppy has been asked to be re-homed through us for some reasons.  Despite the best of intentions, a new adopter may have not have been quite as ready to fully meet the new baby’s needs as they thought they were.   We do understand.

Payment plans can be worked out.  Babies must be paid in full by the time of placement.  Prices will be determined by litter and or individual puppies, by size, color, rarity etc. *Contact for price*

All of our precious babies have the warrantee, as described on this website.  We are competitively priced, for the quality we are providing to you.

Female – Always begin at $4000.  This is the usual price for average size toys/minis.  It may cost more for tiny, tiny little ones

Males – Are $3000, same pricing adjustment’s for very tiny sizes, these are very rare

When common colors are abundant among breeders a discount may be applied to that puppy.

Male and female in the teacup sized babies may be higher in price.  The tiniest of these fine babies, known as: Teacups, are extremely uncommon.  Teacups can range from 2 to 3 1/2 or 4 lbs.  Weight is not the single factor and never should be.  You may have an 8 ” at the shoulder, still come in at 4 lbs! The best estimate of full size can be assessed at 8 – 10 weeks of age.  If mom and dad come from smaller line, or have already produced tinies, this is a good bet, we will have a teacup sized pup.

WARNING – you can find a much more inexpensive baby online.  BE AWARE that most of the time, you will lose money sent to them.  If you buy a pup out of the back of a truck, having had no offer to come to their home or where they breed and raise their babies, you may be dealing with a product of a puppy mill.  I have some info below about conditions and how I feel about puppy mills.  PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS

 Do lots of research.  You can find pups cheaper, as stated above, and find some much more expensive.  Do the homework for your sake please.  

Occasionally, a color usually easily attained, such as black or white, may suddenly become  harder to come by.  Whites most likely give birth to white.  Blacks and silvers, however, often have baabies VERY different.  Our Diamond Glamour Girl, the last two litters, only a single pup litter both times, gave birth to ice white babies!  Both dad’s were black however, both parents had WHITE mammas themselves.  I have personally been waiting for a black female to be born with our mammas, and / or our co breeder’s mammas for over  a year now.  NO BLACKS SO FAR!!  As stated previously, NO COLOR CAN BE GARENTEED.  It is at best an educated guess with a bit of prior knowledge and experience thrown in.

We are happy to work out a payment plan that best suites the needs of the new family.  Pups must be paid for before they go to their new home.  Checks take about three days to clear.  It’s a good idea to send that final check ahead of time.  All payments are refundable, if something happens and you cannot complete the transaction.   We can hold your baby for you if more time is needed.  A low boarding fee may added past a 12 week stay.

This breed is a very hardy breed and generally will live 15 – even 20 years.  This works out to roughly $150 per year, for a companion and someone to be with you through thick and thin!  Taking excellent care of your baby can insure you a long and rewarding relationship.

Miniature sized pups are very popular.  These are a little bigger than the toy sized, but, can still be taken everywhere with you.  These may be around 15″ or so at the shoulder.  They can be 15 – 25 lbs.  They tend to be more steady in mood and great with younger kids.  They will gladly cuddle up in your lap, and are regal in their stance.  Super hardy and as all poodles –  intelligent.

The littlest babies are not recommended for families with very small children.  Bones are tinier, kids are a little clumsy!   A very tiny baby should not be shipped until  between 12 and 16 weeks of age, to insure the safety of the pup.  The longer the baby teacup stays with his/her mamma,  the more vet checks can be given.  As well, the size can be a much more accurate estimate, that you puppy would much more likely stay in the ‘teacup’ size.

Any shipping costs will be added.  We only use United Airlines when available, as they take special care of babies in climate controlled environments, through their Safe Pet program.  Here in Texas, we have someone who you may hire to deliver your pup to you as well.

Your new baby doll will come with some of the current food he / she is eating, a toy of their “chewsing“,  a pet health report, registration papers, and you may get a three-generation lineage from AKC, (when you register your baby) All puppies will have normal de-worming and be current on all vaccinations due for their age.  They will also come with the promise that if you have any questions at all, you can call me for anything.


We will occasionally be re-homing an older than puppy aged dog.  The price of each individual will be posted at the time.  Some may be donated.  We would re-home a dog to give them a home where they would be the king or queen, without all the pups around.  We will put the dog’s quality of life first.

THE  QUALITY OF OUR BABIES –   With the puppy, comes the unusual warrantee, as described above, and the repeated vet care and hands on love each day as spoken of throughout this site.

We are 100% Against puppy mills, and we supply limited registration with all of our babies.   Unlimited registration may be provided at an additional cost and assurance from new family that utmost care will be taken for safety of their new family member.  Often, puppy mills are where pups are born, kept in small, crowded crates, often without cleaning them.  The parents in these mills may not be well cared for and nursing moms give all they have to feed their babies, and do not live long.   Most often, Vets do not see these animals at all.  These mills operate for the sole purpose of – making money.  If anyone is selling what they claim to be a pedigree breed, out of the back of a car or in front of some store, if the ‘breeder’ does not offer for you to come into their home or kennel – BEWARE.  The pups are often mixed and inbred.  You probably are buying a sick baby filled with parasites, or heart/kidney illness.  You really cannot tell what you have brought home without a thorough vet check.  Purchasing the AKC registered dog, is the best insurance for you that you have that breed and that breed only, for generations before.

Our mammas, daddies, and babies, here at: BLISSFUL TOY POODLES get regular veterinary visits.   During the pregnancy, special care and vet checks, blood tests, x-rays, etc. occur frequently.

After whelping, and within the first week tails are docked just a bit – This ensures that ‘poodle tail’. If a new parent chooses a puppy, places a deposit, AND DOES NOT wish to have tail docked this must be known to us via text before the first week is up.  At 8 weeks old, the first round of shots is given (to prevent distemper/parvo). Next round of shots most likely will be given by with their parents by their chosen veterinarian.  A puppy exam – as always includes – eyes, ears, genitals fecal, and general body check, and is given a vet record of health, (if shipping is required, a certificate for air flight), will be provided).

These little ones are much more than pets.   I have found in them, an emotional support, a friend, a clown that can make me laugh, forgetting some of the ‘stuff’ that we deal with in life.

No matter what the age, size, or color of your new family member, he / she will bless you for a very long time to come.  May they bring you much LOVE and LAUGHTER.

(Blissful Toy Poodles, to insure the best match of the pup to the new family,  reserves the right not to sell.  We do the best we can getting to know you, with the information provided by you, and your situation, so as to never have to exercise this right!

Have more questions?

Contact us for specific information or inquiries (512) 210-7762